Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mayan Calendar and How It Can Help Humanity

Thanks to Hollywood’s doom and gloom films most people think of the Mayan calendar as the end of humanity or even the earth.

The Mayan’s did predict an end but it was instead the end of an era of consciousness. Their calendar prophesized that we are about to move into a harmonious time of conscious co-creation.

True or not, the Mayan calendar has the ability to help humanity move to that higher level, through shifting our focus from anger and fear to love and calm.

The Mayan prophecies provide hope, not despair - they are about an evolution of consciousness.

Here's the gist - the evolution of consciousness is on a schedule – the Mayan calendar measures that schedule!

The pattern of that schedule, according to the Mayans, is a pattern of creation itself starting with long periods of time producing certain milestones. Each new period was 20 times shorter than the previous.

The Mayan pyramids in Mexico and elsewhere are physical depictions of that schedule of these periods of time, with each period getting shorter/smaller as you move up the pyramid.

Each faster period of time had a pattern containing the same amount of ultimately positive change in that pattern.

The same amount of change that took billions of years is now taking just a few days – just take a look at technology.

What has happened on the schedule so far according to the Mayan calendar? It goes something like this:

· billion years ago started the cellular cycle which produced the first live cells;

(The next cycle was 20 times faster than the last)

· 840 million years ago was the mammalian cycle producing the first live births;

· 41 million years ago was the family cycle which produced family relationships;

· 2 million years ago began the tribal cycle which produced the Homo Sapiens and tools;

· 102,000 years ago was the creation of the cultural cycle producing agriculture and religious concepts;

· 5000 or so years ago was the advent of sovereign nations and laws;

· 250 years ago began the global economy and eventually produced the internet;

· 10 years ago began the consciousness of ethics – just think of the all the CEO’s who were taken to court for unethical practices;

· And now, beginning this year, is the beginning of a higher levels of consciousness for the masses, namely Conscious Co-creation!

Higher consciousness means that much of humanity will be waking up.

For example imagine a tree with each leaf or a group of leaves believing themselves to be separate from the other leaves, pronouncing that they are better than the other branches, competing with each other to hoard all the sunshine. Then suddenly (either through an aha moment or realizing that their mother tree was dying from neglect or abuse) waking up and acknowledging its connection to the other leaves on the tree and accepting that in order to survive and flourish that all the leaves, not a chosen few, must receive sunshine.

Higher consciousness will mean that humans will healthily challenge their inner mental programming (IMP) and instinctual urges that served us well in our evolution.

Higher consciousness will mean that humans will listen more to their intuition and their hearts then only to their IMP minds.

There is nothing wrong with having a mind and using it but we must use it responsibly.

If a person responsibly acknowledges their mind to be a weapon of personal and global destruction instead of a constructive tool it is the beginning of the evolution of their consciousness.

The evolution of conscious into a more constructive state is part of the path of creation itself. As futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard says “we are witnessing the evolution of evolution”.

Part of our evolution will be becoming aware of the limits of the Gregorian calendar that is commonly used around the world.

Our common calendar is a physical measurement of the earth’s orbit around the sun. It is useful in a sense that it allows us to set goals and meet at specific times.

But it is a ripe time for our consciousness to shift beyond physical time and into a sacred connection with the calendar of the universe.

The Mayan calendar shows that each one of us is part of a larger tribe of humanity, which is part of the ecosystem of a planet that revolves around a tiny star that is part of a galaxy of billions of stars, which is a small part of an infinite amount of galaxies and so on.

The Mayan calendar was measuring the time of this larger picture which was more about the pulse of creation. Call it spiritual or quantum physics (spooky stuff as put by Einstein), they were measuring the non physical component of creation itself.

Yes, there may be some upheavals as we go through the birth of change but it is to be looked at as beautiful as birth itself.

We will be moving from the womb of our current existence into something completely new but with the potential of immense beauty.

We are in the cusp of joining God or Universal Consciousness to participate in the beautiful unfolding of creation itself.

Consider the Mayan calendar to something of great possibilities and let’s join our powers towards good.

Much of the above regarding the Mayan calendar is from researching the intriguing works of Ian Xel Lungold, who dedicated the last years of his short life (passed in 2004) to the teachings of the Mayans. Do yourself a favour and check out his videos and writings on the internet.

Author - Gary Drisdelle

Author of Healthyism Book

“The Evolutionary Practice of Constructive Consciousness”

For more information:

Experiment with human awesomeness in 2011 to save our world

It's a great time to be alive!

Its time to save our world. Despite the messes in us and around us, humanity is poised to move to a higher level of consciousness. There is a mental shift maturing amongst humanity – we are on the verge of less sickness, fear and anger and instead having more good health, calm awareness and love!

As we move into the new year of 2011 we continue to witness massive changes or challenges in technology, institutions, the state of the earth and the state of us humans.

Technology is changing every few months – the latest computer or palm gadget is outdated by the time you get comfortable with it.

The institutions of finance, religion, military, medical, governmental, cultural, science, etc are falling apart by their own recklessness or are being challenged by individuals and the masses.

Depending on who is talking, the state of the earth’s ecosystems and its overall health has been on a steady demise.

And “us humans” – with the epidemics of diseases and mental madness – it’s quite obvious that we have some fixing to do.

But all of this is good! What?! Why?

This is good because chaos promotes change. No, I don’t mean that any actual pain and suffering that we are experiencing is good, but that all major positive changes globally or personally are a direct result of chaos or dissatisfaction with the status quo.

In history, poor conditions in a society promoted chaotic civil unrest which brought revolutions and eventually better conditions.

Individually when we become dissatisfied with some aspect of our life it becomes a compelling reason for change, to make improvements.

Major positive reforms are being birthed in all institutions – instead of complying with the destructive agendas of a few, clusters of people everywhere are refusing to accept the status quo and are demanding and co-creating improvements. We are on the verge of human awesomeness.

Instead of conspicuous consumption and designed obsolescence we are steadily heading towards the day when the bottom line will be compassion not increased profits, when science and technology will be focused on and capable of finding solutions to providing the basic needs (and beyond) for all people.

It won’t be long before we will have access to free or very cheap unlimited clean energy – imagine the possibilities with that!

My personal goal is to challenge any troublemaking chatter in my head, to love and forgive others and myself unconditionally, to continuously improve my life such as eating mostly well, exercising just enough, and strengthening my spiritual and physical connection to the earth and other humans.

Even if I wasn’t 100% sure yet that we are indeed part of one united spiritual body, I do know that if more of us at least imagined it to be true, it would be to the benefit of all.

No pressure to you or me but let’s live each day as leaves of the same tree of life – lovingly and compassionately aware of (and in control of) our inner mental programming and instinctual urges – and experiment with human awesomeness in 2011 and beyond.

Author - Gary Drisdelle

Author of Healthyism Book

“The Evolutionary Practice of Constructive Consciousness”

For more information: